Discomfort is the Least of Our Concerns

February Theme — Divine Discomfort. Week 4 — Discomfort is the Least of Our Concerns.

Affirmation: I refuse to let fear make my decisions for me!

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey? Are you willing to embrace discomfort and unlock your full potential? The choice is yours. Step outside your comfort zone, embrace the discomfort, and unleash the extraordinary person within you. Embrace the discomfort today, and watch as your life takes on new dimensions of growth, achievement, and fulfillment.

This week Rev. Rainbow and several members of our community attended the Centers for Spiritual Living annual convention in Charleston, SC. The theme was Soul to Soul to Soul: Lighting the Way of Love. It was a powerful gathering, with a strong vision for our organization — the Grand Rising.

Convention takeaways from Rainbow and members:

  • Honoring the African American roots and ministers of CSL.

  • Sacred activism: the intersection where consciousness becomes action, where prayer becomes movement, and where spiritual principle becomes practice.

  • Oneness doesn’t mean sameness. Unity is not uniformity. We are individualized expressions of Spirit.

  • Western culture has tended to locate identity in the physical body; but that’s a social construct. We are divine beings in these human bodies.

  • Diversity also includes the neurodiverse and folks with mental health challenges. It’s all part of who we are.

  • Normalize introducing yourself with your pronouns. It gives sacred space and permission for those who my use they/them to express their authentic self.

  • CSL ministers are open and approachable. We are all humans navigating this thing called life together.

  • When you see people for who they are and for the gender they are, that is when you are putting your words into action.

  • Centers for Spiritual Living has advocated "Building a work that works for everyone." Now we are expanding that to building a world that works for ALL -- as in all people, animals, plants, nature. All beings and expressions of Spirit.

“We can overcome the troubles and difficulties that we have allowed to enter our lives when we remember that Love is that creating and sustaining Presence within all. God loves, moves, gives, and exists in me. As I eliminate anger and resentment, the Divine Nature flows freely through me.”  ~ 365 Science of Mind, Day 13

Watch this service on YouTube


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