Tell Me Something Good

March theme — That’s How We’ve Never Done It. Week 3 — Tell Me Something Good

Affirmation: Divine Intelligence lives in me and guides me in each new day.

What happens when we’re confronted by a situation where “figuring it out” just doesn’t work? Sometimes it’s only when all our problem-solving skills fall short that we remember there’s a deeper intelligence within us, offering us our perfect answer. “I don’t know how, but Spirit does!”

This week Rev. Rainbow reminded us that as divine-humans, we’re gifted with amazing intellectual tools for rational problem-solving. We’ve become so reliant on, and infatuated with, our intellects - so rightly proud of our ability to “figure things out,” that we can be thrown for a loop when confronted by those situations where “figuring it out” just doesn’t work. We’ve forgotten we can tune in to the deeper intelligence available within us, the intuition that transcends intellectual understanding, and allow it to deliver our divine solution. It’s up to us to release our need to “figure it out” and invite Inner Guidance to lead us into the new territory of our brand new day.

“Divine guidance is ours for the asking. The answer to any problem which can ever confront us already exists in the center of our being.” ~ Ernest Holmes, "This Thing Called You," p 71

“Ideas are coming to me at every instant, and they offer me a greater portion of life than I now have. I accept them, and increase my good.”  ~ Ernest Holmes & Raymond Charles Barker, 365 Days of Richer Living, p. 108

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” ~ Albert Einstein.

AHA moments from members:

  • What behaviors of ours have been conditioned by external cicumstances?

  • Invite curiosity, challenge those norms.

  • Where are you in a rut? Choose to get off the path of least resistance by trying something new!

  • Embrace failure — it’s a learning experience! Fail your way forward.

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